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Documents and links on history and background of convention

Report of the fifth and final session of the intersessional open ended working group to elaborate a draft legally binding instrument for the protection of all persons from enforced disappearance.

Summary of 5th and final session (Geneva 12 - 23 September 2005) of the open ended working group drafting the text of the convention. Prepared by the ISHR. Read report

The Council or Europe resolution 1463 of October 2005 including the essential provisions of the convention

Resolution 1/1 of Human Rights Council adopting the convention

Speech of Bernard Kessedjian - Chairperson of the open ended working group drafting teh convention-  on June 27 2006 during the first Human Rights Council session prior to the adoption of the convention

Press release of Human Rights Council adopting convention including statements made by various delegates

Intervention of the United States during Human Rights Council session prior to adoption of the convention

Report of Third Committee approval of convention, including statements made by States after approval.

Statement of EU precidency on behalf of the EU during Third Committee meeting

General Assembly resolution 61/177 adopting the convention on December 20 2006.

57 States that signed the convention on February 6, 2007

Proyecto de Convencion (incluye Negacion del Olvido de Julio Cortazar), Ministerio de Jusiticia de Argentina, 2006 (Espanol)
Projet de Convention (inclus Refus de l'Oubli de Julio Cortazar), Ministere de la Justice de Argentine, 2006 (Francais)

Gabriella Citroni and Tullio Scovazi, The struggle against anfoced disappearances and the 2007 United Nations convention, 2007 contains an overview of the background an history of the convention in chapter III. The book can be ordered at Martinus Nijhoff Publishers

A comprehensive overview (in french) of the negotiations for the convention is given by Olivier de Frouville in LA CONVENTION DES NATIONS UNIES POUR LA PROTECTION DE TOUTES LES PERSONNES CONTRE LES DISPARITIONS FORCEES
LES ENJEUX JURIDIQUES D’UNE NEGOCIATION EXEMPLAIRE Première partie : les dispositions substantielles
Droits fondamentaux, n° 6, janvier - décembre 2006

An essay on the Convention by Dr. phil. habi Wolfgang S. Heinz of the German Institute for Human Rights Das neue Internationale Übereinkommen zum Schutz aller Personen vor dem Verschwindenlassen, April 2008 (in German)