Related information
Letter of ICAED to Minister of Foreign Affairs
Letter of ICAED to Minister of Justice
From March 15-18 several ICAED members and other concerend organisations in Morocco organised succesful campaign actitivities in Rabat. Government officials reiterated during meetings that Morocco will ratify before the end of 2009. Current changes in the Penal Code would also include the incrimination of the crime of enforced disappearances.
Link to item in Moroccan press
In a her meeting with Justice Minister Abdelwahed Radi and Interior Minister Chakib Benmoussa, the Amnesty Secretary General Irene Khan, urged the Government of Morocco to promptly ratify the International Convention on Enforced Disappearances. Read newsitem on the website of One world
The Morccan newspaper 'Le Matin' posts a substantial article on the campaign for the Convention and the position of the Moroccan Government. Read the article (pdf) or go the the artilce on the website of le Matin
- Mother of Disappeared person
Morocco has a legacy of enforced disappearances. Primarily during the ‘70s and ‘80s the Moroccan authorities were responsible for enforced disappearances. The estimates of the total number of disappearances differ between the government and NGOs. A government Council identified 112 persons. According to some NGOs the number could be several times higher.
The United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances (UNWGEID) received 248 cases over the years. Of these it clarified 185 cases, primarily through the government. 63 remain outstanding with the UNWGEID.
Morocco signed the Convention during the signing ceremony in Paris on February 6, 2007. The Moroccan government shows a positive attitude towards the Convention. In response to activities of the ICAED on the international day of the disappeared on August 30, 2008 Moroccan authorities indicated that there are no obstacles Morocco to ratify. The Moroccan King has the mandate to sign and ratify international treaties.
- Manifestation in Morocco on March 22nd 2009 calling for ratification
In Morocco:
- Publication of articles in newspapers
- Press conference
- Meetings with several Ministries
- Launching of report of Rabat conference on disappearances of 2008.
- Training on the Convention for Moroccan NGOs
Outside Morocco:
- Joint letter of ICAED to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Morocco
- Press statement of ICAED
- Letters of ICAED members to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of Morocco in their country.
Write a letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Justice in Morocco:
H.E. Taïb FASSI-FIHRI Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Avenue Franklin Roosevelt, Rabat, Morocco
Fax + 212 37765508
H.E Mr.Abdelwahed Radi, Ministre de Justice, Place el mamounia, Rabat, Morocco
Example letter
Votre Excellence,
Nous souhaitons attirer votre attention sur la Convention pour la Protection de toutes les personnes contre les Disparitions Forcées.
Comme vous le savez, la Convention a été adoptée par l’Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies, par consensus, le 20 décembre 2006. L’adoption de ce traité constitue l’aboutissement de plusieurs années de travail entrepris par les familles de disparu(e)s, les organisations non-gouvernementales et les gouvernements. Ainsi et grâce à la Convention, le droit international prend effectivement en considération le problème des disparitions forcées.
Le 6 février 2007, la Convention a été ouverte à la signature à Paris. Nous sommes heureux de voir que le Maroc a été l’un des pays qui a signé la Convention pendant cet événement. Jusqu’à maintenant, 81 Etats ont signé ce texte et 8 l’ont ratifié.
Nous saluons l’attitude positive du gouvernement marocain à l’égard de la Convention. Nous avons pris note des efforts que votre Etat a mis en place afin de participer aux activités de promotion de la Convention. Nous sommes aussi heureux de constater que les autorités marocaines ont affirmé, à de nombreuses occasions, qu’il n’y avait pas d’obstacles à la ratification de la Convention.
Nous serions toutefois heureux que les autorités marocaines indiquent à quelle date la ratification de la Convention interviendra. Elle entrera en vigueur après 20 ratifications. En s’engageant rapidement en ce sens, le Maroc pourrait se distinguer et figurer parmi les premiers Etats à ratifier ce texte et ainsi être contribuer à son entrée en vigueur.
De plus, nous souhaitons souligner l’importance pour votre pays :
- introduire sans tarder la législation nécessaire à une mise en œuvre effective.
- s’abstenir de faire des réserves à la Convention qui seraient incompatibles son objet et son but,
- reconnaître la compétence du nouveau Comité sur les Disparitions Forcées pour se prononcer sur des plaintes individuelles,
Convaincus de votre engagement en faveur de la lutte contre les disparitions forcées, nous demeurons à votre disposition afin de poursuivre un dialogue constructif sur la Convention.
Veuillez recevoir, Votre Excellence, l’expression de notre plus haute considération.
Your Excellency,
We kindly ask the attention of Your Excellency with respect to the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance.
As you well know the Convention was adopted by the UN General Assembly by consensus on 20 December, 2006 and it represents the culmination of a long effort by many families of disappeared persons, non-governmental organizations and governments to address, through international law, the continuing problem of enforced disappearances.
On 6 February, 2007 the Convention was opened for signature in Paris. We were pleased to see that Morocco was one of the countries to sing during this event. So far 81 countries have signed the Convention and 10 countries have ratified.
We welcome the positive attitude of the Moroccan government towards the Convention. We have noticed the efforts to actively participate in activities to promote the Convention. We are also pleased to take notice of repeated confirmation of Moroccan government officials, that there are no further obstacles towards ratification.
We would therefore welcome a date for the ratification of the Convention. The Convention will enter into force after 20 ratifications. By taking action without hesitation, Morocco would be distinguished among the first countries to ratify the Convention and would therefore be instrumental to its entry into force.
Additionally we stress the importance for your country to:
- Amend Moroccan legislation to reflect all the provisions of the Convention
- Refrain from reservations to the Convention that may result incompatible with the object and purpose of the convention;
- Recognize the competence of the new Committee on Enforced Disappearance to receive and consider individual complaints;
We look forward to the acts that prove the dedication of the Moroccan government to eradicate enforced disappearances. In the meantime we remain available for a constructive dialogue.
Yours sincerely,